Saturday, 27 March 2010


Was watching the film 'Stardust' last night and God spoke to me through a line spoken by Evayne, a 'star' that had come to earth. She said that 'Eternity' would be a terribly lonely place without someone who you love to share it with'. That's true.

Thursday, 25 March 2010

Power to heal.

It's good anytime one can break an addiction, or overcome something through will-power. Non-destructive behavior is always better than the alternative. But we must never confuse it with trusting the redemptive, supernatural power of Christ in the resurrection to restore me and heal me. I've little passion for “fixed” marriages or behaved, self-control. Jesus didn't come to offer a sanctified nudge to the self-reliant.

- John Lynch

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Do you belong to a sect?

When God tells us to "accept each other as Christ has accepted us" Romans 15:7 Why is it that churches and denominations judge other churches & denominations for petty differences in the religious add-ons that they adhere to as a church. The New testament would use the term 'sect' to describe such a judgmental group.

Monday, 8 March 2010

The Lord's Nibble & Sip

The Lord's nibble & sip is a more appropriate term for what we call 'The Lord's Supper' these days. The first century christians shared a full meal with bread and wine instead of the measly offering that passes for a meal I'm most churches. Perhaps it is symbolic of the kind of Christian life and experience that we have come to expect - an unsatisfying taster of the fullness and abundance that could be ours.

God does not respond to what we do.

God does not respond to what we do. We respond to what God does. (Romans 3:27b The Message) If this is true it has big implications on the way we look at God. It means that all the striving for approval and 'doing great things for God' seem somewhat misguided. What really matters is finding out what God is doing and responding to it. We can't this is if we aren't willing to drop all our plans,
programmes and procedures and be flexible enough to follow his lead - which is a big departure to what goes on in most of the church that I see today.

Friday, 5 March 2010

Our god is too small

Our imperfect view of God causes us to react in all sorts of strange ways. One of the reasons that we have so many shopping lists of request prayers is because we can't see how God is working in a situation, we don't trust that he has got things under control, or our best interests at heart so we fervently ask him to arrange things so they they turn out in the way we think they should. If we had eyes to see how He was working then I don't think we would pray in the same way.

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Wouldn't it be good

Wouldn't it be good if God, despite religious man's constant interference, and despite the apparent collapse of western Christianity, was building a new community. Wouldn't it be good that from the disillusioned and the disaffected by the the religious lie, He was giving hope through the truth and reality of his love, through grace. Wouldn't it be good if the promised bride is being moulded perfectly and silently and being prepared for her bridegroom, without the world being aware of it.