Sunday, 1 November 2009

They’ll listen when they’re ready.

There seems to be a real unnecessary pressure to tell, tell, tell people about the good news, at every opportunity, even when the time is actually quite inopportune. We seem to think that we know better than God about when is the best time to evangelise and draw people in to the kingdom, and this is born out of the evangelical ‘tradition’ that time is running out and we have to be quick to get people into the kingdom before it is too late.

It is a shame that, in my experience that we have put so many people off the wonderful, attractive, truth of who Jesus Christ really is, because we wrap him up, and insist that if you choose him, you have to have all the ‘add-ons’ that come with modern ‘Christianity’ – the church – going, the conformity to a set of traditions that the church has accumulated over the years, the belonging to a club that sees itself as distinct and not part of, the very world that God himself inhabits and holds together.

What is wrong with just loving people, and being ready to help them find Jesus Christ, when, and only when, the Father starts calling them. Call them he will, because he loves them. Just watch closely, you will see him at work in so many lives, doing a work that no man could ever do.

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